Ruth Truth 22: He will not rest until...
"Wait......the man will not rest until he has settled it today." Ruth 3:18b
We talked about WAITING last sunday. THIS promise is why we can wait.
Boaz is a picture of Jesus in the book of Ruth. I don't know if you've noticed, but Naomi's heart and attitude seems to have been slowly changing. Remember she was feeling very bitter initially? But in recent days she has been advising Ruth, and now has so much confidence in Boaz!
Back to Boaz. Noami is now confident that Boaz will not rest until he has settled this matter. Notice, it is BOAZ that will be settling matters. Not Ruth. Not Naomi.
Whilst we have talked about not over spiritualising everything, we also need to sit down, rest, and allow God to move. Because He will not rest until He has settled ...(your promise)... today.
Bless you!